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UBP asks 'who is in charge' of Government

Government needs to come clean on whether its policy of awarding public contracts is based on race because the community is confused, the United Bermuda Party (UBP) said last night.

The Opposition said the Government was split with Tourism Minister Renee Webb saying blacks and women should get preference for contracts, Works and Engineering Minister Alex Scott saying tendering was done on merit and Premier Jennifer Smith staying silent.

In the Senate, Independent Sen. Jeannette Cannonier said yesterday that Ms Webb's statements about giving contracts to "people who look like me" bordered on racism.

Ms Webb reaffirmed on Tuesday that her Ministries try to give contracts wherever possible to companies owned by blacks, women and other previously excluded groups.

UBP leader Dr. Grant Gibbons said last night his party was committed to overcoming economic disparities between blacks and whites, that was why it would "open up" the tendering process and create a Department of Economic Empowerment.

"What we have seen in press statements over the past few days is a Government out of control. There is no discipline," said Dr Gibbons.

"There are no consistent standards. Cabinet Ministers are apparently free to do what they want on an ad hoc basis regardless of Government policy and collective responsibility.

"There appear to be two Governments: the Smith Government and the Webb Government.

"We have to ask: who is in charge? Is it Renee Webb who says the Government is awarding contracts to people based on race and gender?

"Is it Alex Scott, who says Government is awarding contracts based on ability, no matter what Renee Webb says? Or is it Premier Smith, who has maintained her usual silence since this matter came up?

"The people of this Country are looking for honest, open Government that provides leadership.

"They do not understand why the Smith Government would be reluctant to share official tendering policy with them if there is nothing to hide."

The Bermuda Employers Council has written to the Premier seeking clarification of Government policy because its members are concerned about Ms Webb's comments.

The Premier has not responded to requests from The Royal Gazette Tuesday and yesterday to find out Government's official position.

Dr Gibbons added: "The public wants a Government it can trust to be fair to every single Bermudian.

"Without a clear and consistent tendering policy, the Smith Government - or any Government - is free to award contracts on a whim to whomever they please, without being held accountable.

"Economic parity does not exists between blacks and whites in Bermuda. No responsible Government can ignore that fact, and a responsible Government must take action to address that imbalance.

"That is why in our reply to the Throne Speech that the next UBP Government will guarantee equal access to Government contracts by requiring open tendering in every Government department.

"And our tendering policy will be clear and consistent across the board. Under a UBP Government, the new Department of Economic Empowerment will develop practical ways to provide a hand-up to those with the will to succeed but not the means.

"Small businesses, for example, who are submitting a tender for the first time, will be provided with the tools to improve the substance and quality of their proposals."

In Senate yesterday, Sen. Cannonier said Ms Webb's statements about giving contracts to "people who look like me" bordered on racism. "Comments made in another place in my view border on racism. I certainly hope as we go forward we will be working towards a society where all citizens are afforded equal access to opportunity."

She said education needed to be boosted to ensure everyone had the ability to participate equally. Some people had the ability to do a job but needed help with administration side of things.

Ms Cannonier told The Royal Gazette later: "When you make a statement that's saying you 'want people who look like me' to get these contracts or whatever it's racism.

"If a white person says it then it would be racism, if a black person says it, it's racism. "These things should be awarded based on merit not colour of one's skin or political affiliation."