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Awash in the spirit of the Lord

Evandre Smith is baptised by Pastor DeJuan Tull in Mangrove Bay, Sandys.

Baptisms traditionally are conducted in church, with babies or adults having their foreheads blessed with water.But some churches and individuals believe in baptisms in the style of John the Baptist in the River Jordan — full immersion.In July, photographer Gail Santucci-Palacio attended a baptism at Mangrove Bay in Somerset.Evandre Smith was baptised on July 14 by Pastor DeJuan Tull of the Somerset Seventh-day Adventist Church.Asked why he wanted to be baptised, Evandre answered: “I wanted to confirm my love and faith in God, because once you do that He will bless you until the end.”

Immersed: Evandre Smith is baptised by Pastor DeJuan Tull of the Somerset Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Baptised: Evandre Smith with Pastor DeJuan Tull of the Somerset Seventh-day Adventist Church.