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Cup minnows get chance to go all the way

The possibility of an all-Second Division FA Cup semi-final surfaced yesterday during the draw at the Bermuda Football Association office.

But everything hinges on whether Hotels and Wolves can defeat their favoured First Division opponents, North Village and Vasco, in this week's replays.

Tonight Wolves and Vasco, who played to an exciting 2-2 draw on Sunday, clash at Devonshire Rec. at 8.00, with Hotels tackling North Village again on Thursday night at PHC Stadium.

The winners of the two replays are scheduled to meet in the second semi-final on February 23 at a venue to be announced. In fact, the date is also tentative as it clashes with Bermuda's second match in Jamaica in the Shell/Umbro Cup.

The number of Village and Vasco players -- should they get through -- in the Bermuda squad will be taken into consideration.

The first semi-final will pit Devonshire Colts against Boulevard on February 16 at Southampton Oval.

Wolves coach Dennis Brown, who won the FA Cup as a player with Somerset Trojans, is still confident his young team can beat Vasco in tonight's replay.

On Sunday, Wolves were clearly not intimidated by the First Division team and a similar approach in the replay will be necessary if they are to pull off the upset.

"I told them before we came into the game that we must show no fear against them, even though they are First Division opposition,'' said Brown.

"I feel we have the talent to compete well with them. I'll be stressing that again for tomorrow night's match.'' Wolves are hoping that striker Khari Sharrieff recovers from a thigh injury he suffered in the match. He was due to have treatment last night.

The lanky Sharrieff, formerly of Dandy Town, missed the best of Wolves' chances but scored the second equaliser late in the match to force the replay.

Brown realised the match could have been won by Wolves at the first attempt.

"In the end I was a bit disappointed because we did have the chances to put them away,'' he said. "But I think it was a good moral victory for the team who acquitted themselves well.

"The main thing was gaining the respect because we weren't given a chance going into the game. I used that statement that Mike Sharpe put on the television as an incentive for my team and they seemed to respond to it very well.

"Hopefully they will give the same output as they gave yesterday.'' With Wolves' Crystal Palace match against Boulevard not played because Boulevard did not have a team (Boulevard's 7-4 win on Sunday was against Dandy Town in the Premier Youth Cup and not Wolves as reported), Brown took the opportunity to field eight teenagers in his starting team.

"When I first took over the team my goal was a three-year plan because I knew I had a lot of young players, but I'm very proud of what they have accomplished thus far,'' said the coach.

"I feel they are going to go from strength to strength once they gain more experience.'' Vasco were missing some key players on Sunday. Defender Kentoine Jennings has a knee injury and is doubtful for tonight while striker Dwight Basden is also still sidelined through injury. Also missing on Sunday were Sammy Swan, Corey Hill and Paul Towlson.

The Crystal Palace semi-finals, which precede the FA Cup semis, see PHC meeting champions North Village ahead of the Colts-Boulevard game and BAA playing Wolves in the second semi-final.