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Island's most famous footballer to jet out to collect his MBE

BERMUDA'S most famous footballer, Clyde Best, jets out of the island next week bound for London ? and a date with the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

Best, who is also a Sports columnist, was awarded the MBE in the New Year's Honours. The former West Ham striker will be taking his wife Alfreida, daughter Kimberly and his sister Marie with him for the trip to the Palace.

"I have my top hat and tails," he said with a laugh this week ahead of leaving on Tuesday.

Best was a trailblazer for black footballers in England during the 1960s and '70s. In fact, he was the only black player in the top flight playing regularly in England and suffered a huge amount of racial abuse ? everything from monkey chants to bananas being thrown on the field.

And while playing with the likes of England's 1966 World Cup-winning skipper and West Ham captain Bobby Moore remains one of the highlights of his career, Best said one of his proudest achievements was seeing how many black players grace the Premiership ? and in fact all leagues ? in Britain today.

"What gives me great pleasure now is to see all the players of colour playing in England.

"I knew it would only be a matter of time but I am proud to have been one of the first," he said.