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Taxi driver escapes disciplinary action

The taxi driver who threw a woman out of his cab, leaving her stranded on the side of the road, leading to her sexual assault by a passing motorist last October, will not face disciplinary action.

This according to Transport Minister, Dr. Ewart Brown, who issued a statement yesterday saying that Kenneth Bourne, a former Police officer, did not violate any laws based on The Public Service Vehicle Licensing Board's taxi regulations.

Mr. Bourne threw the 29-year-old victim out of his cab at 3 a.m. on October 14, because she was eating food. When she then attempted to walk home she was attacked by a passing motorist.

The statement said: "The Public Service Vehicle Licensing Board has concluded its investigation into the unfortunate incident in which a taxi driver ordered his female passenger to leave his taxi.

"Based on all the information, the board concluded that the driver did not contravene any of the Taxi Regulations. As a result, the board determined that no further action would be taken against the driver."