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Bank staff to monitor tests

The Ministry of Education has recently accepted an offer from the Bank of Bermuda to provide volunteers for the Bermuda Criterion Reference Testing.

Education Minister Randolph Horton told the House of Assembly yesterday: "It is my understanding that 183 staff members from the Bank of Bermuda have signed up to volunteer as Observers for the Bermuda Criterion Reference Testing."

The testing, which will be piloted in all of the public schools this year, began as a result of last year's Hopkins Report, which recommended that when attempting to restructure the public school system, more power should be given to the parents, business and the community.

The Ministry requested assistance for these tests earlier in the year and Mr. Horton said: "The Bank of Bermuda is a true example of positive community involvement demonstrated by a good corporate citizen."

Being an observer for test requires training sessions from the Ministry of Education.

Mr. Horton thanked the volunteers and Bank of Bermuda CEO Phillip Butterfield and also looks forward to creating more relationships throughout the business community.