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Conscripts appear in court

violations -- the first in what is expected to be a series of cases.Pvte.

violations -- the first in what is expected to be a series of cases.

Pvte. Shawn York admitted missing drill on 52 occasions between May 1999 and November of last year and was given a suspended three-month jail sentence backed with a warning from Magistrate Edward King not to return to court.

And Pvte. Gordon Wade pleaded guilty to missing drill 37 times between October 1999 and November of last year.

Like York, Wade was given a suspended prison sentence. Wade, however, is understood to have been in Regimental Police custody since being picked up while York voluntarily turned himself in.

Wade is from Rambling Lane, Curving Avenue, Pembroke and York is from Sylvan Dell, Paget. Their ages are not known.

Duty counsel Paul Harshaw explained there were "substantial'' family circumstances that contributed to York's absence at the meetings and suggested a conditional discharge.

Mr. Harshaw added: "If something were to happen which was out of his control it may be that would affect him and jailing him would reverberate throughout the family.

"Mr. York voluntarily turned himself in and promised the Commanding Officer he would not repeat this again,'' Mr. Harshaw said.

For Wade, lawyer Maxanne Anderson said he "has been locked up at Warwick Camp since last week'' and his family physician has spoken with the Regiment doctor.

Mr. King told the court: "You sometimes have to leave your wife and children if push comes to shove,'' he continued. "How can a man die nobler than for his country or when a shepherd dies for his flock? "Go to parade. Go to every possible parade. Drag yourself if you have to. I wish I were your age, because by now I would be Colin Powell, because nowadays there are no wars.