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Man stole from his friends

prison sentence on a man who stole $610 from friends.Aaron Miller Carmichael admitted four charges of theft from his room-mate, girlfriend's mother and another friend in separate incidents in June and August.

prison sentence on a man who stole $610 from friends.

Aaron Miller Carmichael admitted four charges of theft from his room-mate, girlfriend's mother and another friend in separate incidents in June and August.

Mr. Francis ordered Carmichael, of Alexandra Road, Prospect, to pay the fines -- which include compensation for the victims -- by October 9.

Labourer Carmichael, 29, was handed a six-month jail term suspended for 18 months after it emerged he had spent time in prison since being placed on probation two years ago.

He told Mr. Francis: "The only reason I committed that last offence was because I needed change for a taxi to work.''