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When Bermuda delivered

July 10, 2012Dear Sir,I spent several weeks in the summer of 1973 travelling in Europe with my college roommate using Arthur Frommer’s “Europe on $5 a day” guide book as our bible for accommodation and activities. It’s hard to believe now but some days we didn’t even spend that much! During our travels we met many interesting local people. When I returned to Bermuda I was surprised to find a letter from Greece in my parents’ postbox in Southampton simply addressed to “Lynanne ... Bermuda”. That was the Bermuda postal service of the 1970s in action! I have always fondly imagined someone in Hamilton holding the envelope and calling out “anyone know someone called Lynanne” (lucky I have an unusual name)? And someone else saying “isn’t she Walter Sharpe’s daughter ... try Southampton”. And so it was!LYNANNE SHARPE BOLTONWarwick