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Deception and the New Bermuda

One positive outcome from the Berkeley project?s implosion is the merciful end to the public relations charade of the past several years. The downside however is that Bermudians, still fighting the battle for truth over justice with the BHC scandal, are again faced with another entirely avoidable multi-million dollar waste of taxpayer funds.

Money isn?t the only thing that is disappearing into the New Bermuda Triangle. The ability of those we entrust with governing to tell the truth has vanished as well.

This Berkeley script was written from day one, with the project managed entirely to achieve a political outcome on a political timetable. This approach, a surefire recipe for failure, did achieve its primary goal ? the re-election of those responsible for the biggest capital project disaster in Bermuda?s history.

If you?ve ever wondered how many taxpayer dollars can be spent to cover up a massive failure and ascend to the Premiership, just subtract the Berkeley budgeted amount of $68 million from the project?s final price tag.

Everyone, including the former Works and Engineering Minister and now Premier, knew that the project would be drastically behind schedule and over-budget. You didn?t need to be an expert to see that, just eyes and a little common sense. Alex Scott, never one to let the obvious stand in the way of what?s convenient, continued with his ridiculous pronouncements that all was well and viciously attacked anyone who dared state what inevitably came to pass. Apologies won?t be forthcoming however. That would be a sign of weakness and not the ?strong leadership? he characterises his campaigns of dishonesty as.

Mr. Scott?s recent performance, indeed his whole political career, is impressive only in his ability to maintain a straight face while stating the blatantly absurd. Maybe ?The Man? is so deluded with his own grandeur that he actually believes his own lies? That?s unlikely. He may be deluded, but he doesn?t believe his own deception. Rather, this Premier subscribes to an apparent belief in the PLP hierarchy that voters are so irrelevant and stupid that we can be lied to at will. As has been noted before, Bermudians are treated like mushrooms; that is kept in the dark and fed crap.

It?s worth revisiting then, Dr. Brown?s notorious statement: ?We misled you because we had to?. That pronouncement, delivered not surprisingly by someone unable to dismiss persistent ethical questions but undeterred in his obvious quest to lead the country, was trotted out in a desperate attempt to salvage an election and promote his political career. In reality it is very revealing. The 2003 post-election coup was not, as you?ve been led to believe, a one-off decision reluctantly made to prevent electoral defeat. Deception has emerged as a fundamental management principle in the New Bermuda. At its most basic level, Dr. Brown articulated a quite disturbing view; that we?re too dumb to make informed decisions in our own best interests and that what?s beneficial for the political careers of PLP politicians is best for Bermuda. It?s also an admission that what was occurring would have been rejected by the electorate. Sadly, as a reward, Dr. Brown was elevated to deputy leader of his party and by extension the country. But don?t be fooled into thinking that this view is held in isolation.

Former PLP Minister Arthur Hodgson, who recently discussed his party?s obsession with independence, stated that there was an acceptance in the PLP leadership that the public didn?t know what was good for them and therefore should be taken to independence in spite of ourselves. There it is again, ?you?re too stupid to make the ?right? decision so we, the all-powerful, all-knowing PLP leadership, will make it on your behalf. Don?t question, just fall in line.? This dictatorial arrogance, while politically expedient, doesn?t gel with the increasingly alien democratic principle that we elect individuals to represent our interests, not anointed to govern in spite of us.

We?ve been lied to about the BHC, lied to about Berkeley, and lied to throughout the 2003 election campaign, among other things. The Premier, Dr. Brown and the rest of those who subscribe to this disdain for the intelligence and interests of the Bermudian voter, appear determined to continue unapologetically in their misleadership of Bermuda.