Protect the black rockfish
Created: Apr 30, 2012 08:31 AM (Updated: Apr 30, 2012 08:32 AM)
April 25, 2012Dear Sir,I would like to add my feelings to Ted Gauntlet’s letter, of April, 19, 2012 in The Royal Gazette in reference to the proposed spear fishing of our black rockfish. I would suggest that a moratorium be placed on spear fishing of our black rockfish.Black rockfish eat the lionfish now which are becoming a menace around our waters. In the Bahamas the moray eels eat the lionfish and are protected by law, why can’t Bermuda protect the black rockfish? Why don’t we have a period of time when it’s unlawful to catch rockfish like we do with the lobster season?PETER BROMBY SrPagetPs Spearfishing of black rockfish should not be allowed in Bermuda.