Now is the time for Paget
November 29, 2011Dear Sir,Since postal improvements have been made, it would be beneficial to move the Paget Post Office to another location.At present, it is very dangerous to park a vehicle with only two parking bays so close to the main road and a busstop close by as well. Also, there is no motorcycle parking for this Post Office.With the shortage of parking bays, some people park their cars across the main road in the entrance to St Paul’s churchyard and then walk across the road to the Post Office.St. Paul’s Lane always has cars parked there belonging to Post Office staff and residents of nearby apartments on the same lane. There is no white or yellow line on this road and it is a two way street.If a Post Office could be built into the area of the Harmony Club which our Government recently purchased, this would solve the problem, and make everything more eco-friendly to all its users. Then our Government could turn the present Paget Post Office into a dwelling home for someone.The original Paget Post Office was to be built on the piece of land opposite the Modern Mart on the South Shore Road that was given to Government by a well-known Bermuda family, but the Government of the day gave this piece of land to a hotel group in that area.PETER BROMBY SrPagetPs Paget Post Office is almost the only PO where, when you leave the parking bays for vehicles, you have to back out into the adjacent main road which makes it extremely dangerous for motorists.