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Palmetto Road repairs set to be completed by the end of the year

Repairs to two sections of collapsed wall Palmetto Road in Devonshire should be completed by the end of the year, according to Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin.

Extended repair works to a major route in and out of Hamilton should be completed by the end of the year, according to Government.

A section of the westbound lane of Palmetto Road was reduced to single lane traffic following a wall collapse on Perimeter Lane in February 2013. Repair work was hampered by the collapse of a second section of wall 12 months later due to heavy flooding.

Speaking in the House of Assembly on Friday, Public Works Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin said that temporary measures had been set up to handle road drainage, and that a permanent solution, including the drilling of boreholes, will be constructed “in the next few months”.

The Minister said that, in addition, the construction of both sections of wall are expected to start by September, after contracts have been put out to tender, with the work expected to take three months to complete.

“It is therefore anticipated that Palmetto Road will be reopened again to two lanes towards the end of this year,” Ms Gordon-Pamplin said.

“I wish to thank the motorists who use this section of Palmetto Road for their patience whilst the traffic lights have been in operation.”