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Police issue warning following burglaries

Police yesterday warned residents to ensure their homes were properly secured after a spate of burglaries in recent days.

Police media spokesman Robin Simmons said the breaking and entering incidents had occurred at various locations around the Island, and urged people to take heed.

“Thieves are generally opportunists and look for easy targets, so one should always secure their home, making sure all windows and doors are locked,” he said.

At 4.25 p.m. on Sunday, Police attended a report of a break-in at a house in Tribe Road Number One, Pembroke, that is believed to have taken place between 2.30 p.m. and 4 p.m. that day.

The thief stole a substantial amount of jewellery, three cell phones and their chargers, before also breaking into a shed on the property and stealing a bag of Beanie Babies and a number of winter jackets.

Later on Sunday, a house on Langton Crescent, Pembroke, was broken into between 4.55 p.m. and 7.55 p.m., and several pieces of jewellery stolen, a cell phone and $20 in US cash.

Inquiries are underway into both break-ins, and anyone with information, or people looking for crime prevention advice, should call Police headquarters on 295-0011.