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Assessing this year's Cup Match ClassicDear Sir,This year's annual Cup Match, was a pretty good game, there where some in certain quarters that said this was one of the best Cup Matches that they have seen in years.

Assessing this year's Cup Match Classic

Dear Sir,

This year's annual Cup Match, was a pretty good game, there where some in certain quarters that said this was one of the best Cup Matches that they have seen in years.

I myself saw the whole game on Fresh TV. There were some things that I saw that I did not like, and was not sharp at all, knowing that there are hundreds or thousands of people watching the great game of cricket.

For instance there was one player that was given out by the umpire, and this young man refused to walk off the pitch like he should have done, as a sportsman and respected the umpires ruling. The umpire had to put up his finger the second time for him to walk, that is not good at all for a leading cricketer, it look bad. The game is supposed to be played in a sports like manner and should be always remembered by all players that is in any sport, always remember that discipline, respect, and common sense, play a gigantic part in all sports, its only a.b.c.

About the game, I must say, the door was open once again, and we failed to shut it, meaning winning the cup from St. George's.

It was there to be taken, but a certain amount of fear sat in, I guess the word strategy went missing, or it was not talked about before the game or during the game, strategy plays a vital part when one or a team is trying to win a trophy or anything that they really want to grasp and to see how the bowling was handled, and the way they bowled.

I wondered just what was going on, about five bowlers were used in 40 minutes, some of their lines and lengths were sorting to look at. I wondered why the bowling was chopped and changed so often. It was not called for. There was never a bowling combination for at least eight to ten overs, that is something that any captain should have or look for and tall shorts from practice.

The two top spinners, the pace attack that should be looked at from the inception of training when it comes to the bowling department just like a batting combination, Collin Blades and John Tucker, or Simpson, and Lawrys it is no difference, you always find a combination. They are always there but it is up to them meaning, check what I am saying (Coaches) big laugh.

Maybe it is too many heads to the front that should have less to say for the betterment of the game and also for the team.

It was my understanding that the presidents of both clubs called the game by notifying the captains with three overs left in the game, if it is true they should be ashamed of themselves for doing something so stupid, anything can happen in three overs, just look at what happened to Australia in England last week during the third Test match. They lost two wickets in two balls and put them right on the defence for most of that day.

Last year we decided to capitulate to St. George's when we had 12 overs left, I think all that are involved with the game should study it a little more. Then they can have some say at certain parts of the game, and if the presidents do want to control the game or tell the captain what to do or how to run the game, they should spin the coin before the inception of the match. Does anyone think for a moment that the president of the MCC and the president of Australian Cricket sent word to strategists??? And pointing to call off the test knowing it was heading for a draw. No, because the two captains are in charge not the two presidents, he the captain is there to do a job by leading his team to the best of his ability, so leave him and his team be.

You can see finding out different things about the players in a meeting and a little input if it is valuable to certain players in the team. That is why you as a player can name three good captains, that no president or anyone on management could tell them what to do.

I played under all three, Woodgate Simmons, Calvin Bummy Symonds and John Stovell, they stood for no nonsense from no one. Do not tell them how to do their job, suggest yes and that was it.

I read where skipper Jacobi stated they went to St. George's with a strategy but it did not work. I would like to know just what that strategy or plan was, because I saw nothing that one can say, the drawing board is in to plan and it is working.

Jacobi you also stated there are a lot of things to be fixed for next year. Well I would love to be in a players' meeting next year just to witness what strategy or plan that would be put forward. Most important, who will be out front when strategy or plan is injected for the game. First of all your strategy has to start from the front new faces, from the top down and let no one interfere that does not know nothing about the game, otherwise you will be back to nil.

You need no one that is going to be dogmatic, those that are needed should be ingenious and ingenuous. If one looks at the meaning of both words, one can see clearly what I mean.

If you are elected as captain next year, God willing I wish you all the best, get tough.

I leave you with these words, written by a great cricketer on his last tour of England 1948. and I quote: "An exciting drawn series, is not as great as winning the Ashes, because the Ashes are of greater value to Australia."

Like the cup to Somerset


P.S. To Charlie, and skipper Lionel Cann. I enjoyed your speeches immensely