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March arrivals up on 1993

Island recorded a 33 percent increase in American arrivals compared to the same period last year.

Recently released figures from the Department of Tourism showed that the east coast of the US continued to provide Bermuda with most of its visitors.

Leading the list was New York, followed by Boston and then Philadelphia.

Visitors stayed an average of 4.8 nights at the major hotels and guest cottages.

Arrivals from the United Kingdom, Canada and Europe all showed a marked improvement over last year.

To date arrivals this year are up 23 percent over 1993.

CREWMAN DIES OBT A 37-year-old German crewman found collapsed aboard a visiting sailboat died yesterday.

Mr. Andreas Grutzner of Hamburg was sailing on board the Ketch-up which had docked in Bermuda at Hunter's Wharf after leaving Trinidad.

The vessel was on its way to the Azores.

Family members have been contacted, and a post mortem will be conducted soon.

DRIVER PUNCHED CTS A 39-year-old Devonshire van driver required seven stitches to his face after he was attacked just after midnight on Saturday.

It is understood that he became embroiled in an argument with the driver and passengers of a car that had been following his van.

The vehicles stopped on Middle Road near Hermitage Road in Devonshire where the argument broke out.

One of the people in the car is reported to have punched the van driver in the face.

A 26-year-old Warwick man has been arrested in connection with the incident.

THIEF ESCAPES CRM A bold thief snatched $50 from the cash register at the Il Palio restaurant around 11.00 p.m. on Friday and despite several staff members giving chase, he escaped.

The theft was the sixth "snatch and grab'' reported this month and closely follows a similar incident which occurred on Thursday at the Paget Modern Mart.

Police are not releasing details of the suspect at this time, pending further inquiries.

ACID ATTACK CRM A 34-year-old Pembroke man was taken to hospital early on Saturday morning with serious facial injuries believed to have been caused by acid.

It appears that the injuries were the outcome of an altercation between the victim and another man in Khyber Pass, Warwick.

Police have arrested a 28-year-old Warwick man, though inquiries are continuing.