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Search starts for church rector

The search for a replacement for Canon Alan Tilson at Holy Trinity Church in Hamilton Parish has begun.

Anglican Bishop the Rt. Rev. Ewen Ratteray said recently that the search for a new Rector began in October and that the Church has advertised the position locally.

He would not comment on what applications had been received, but said if no qualified locals applied the Anglican Church will look abroad to fill the post.

Canon Tilson controversially left Bermuda in July after Bishop Ratteray refused to back his application to have his work permit renewed. That decision angered many of his parishioners who said Canon Tilson, who presided over Holy Trinity Church for 16 years, should be allowed to stay.

When the announcement was made in March, Bishop Ratteray said: ?Since becoming Bishop in 1996, I have been happy to support all his previous applications. I said no this time because I perceived a need for a change, both for him and the parish.?

He also hinted that it was time for Bermudians to fill such positions and said there was one local candidate eligible, although it was not a given that he would get the job.

Holy Trinity Church Vestry member Miles Outerbridge disputed these claims in March, and said there were no Bermudians pushing for the post.

When interviewed by this month, Bishop Ratteray would not explain why Canon Tilson had to leave if there was no Bermudian available for the job and an expatriate might have to be brought in.

?I?m not getting into that,? he said. ?He resigned and when someone resigns you have to replace them.?

However, his comments at the time indicated the choice was not Rev. Tilson?s but his.

Mr. Outerbridge, who attends Holy Trinity, also said the choice had been Bishop Ratteray?s.

After a meeting late March where parishioners pleaded for Rev. Tilson to be allowed remain Mr. Outerbridge said: ?We tried to find out if there was another motive, the Bishop said there was no other motive but he?s got this idea that for some reason Hamilton Parish needs a change.?

Rev. Tilson is currently working in County Donegal, in Ireland.

Bishop Ratteray said he did not know how long it would take to replace Rev. Tilson: ?It takes as long as it takes. You can?t put a time on that.?

When asked why a replacement was not found before Rev. Tilson left, he said it was normal for there to be some time without a reverend while searching for a new one.

Meanwhile Rev. Tilson?s position of Canon Capitular has been given to Bermudian Rev. Dr. Patrick White.

Canon Capitular is an honorary title. There are two such positions on the Island and Rev.Tilson held one of them.