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Listen to your heart

A few days ago I painfully tried to learn a complex computer programme. I spent a long and exhausting day at my desk, trying all possible options to understand how it worked. Gradually, my many hours of diligence began to turn into quiet despair. I could not understand why I, who am well versed in computers, completely failed this time.

“ I am at the same place as at the beginning of the day,” I thought hopelessly. My despair turned into anger. At one point, when I could no longer restrain myself, I struck passionately at the keys of the computer with a clenched fist. Such a manifestation of rage is so peculiar to my character that I was frightened, and realised that it was time to take a breather.

“The morning is wiser than the evening,” I told myself. In Russia this proverb, which came to us from children’s fairytales, is a favourite.

It is a magical formula of hope for getting out of difficult situations. For example, if a person has tried everything and exhausted all options for solving a certain problem, they go to bed, and anticipate that in the morning the decision will come by itself. So I did.

I turned the negative emotions of powerlessness and dissatisfaction into positive ones: hope and belief that a new day would bring something good, and that I would wake up with new insight. No, a miracle did not happen to me. I did not dream of how to master the computer programme after all. In the morning, I decided to do something completely different; something to raise my spirits and cheer me up.

I posted a motivational video titled “Never give up”. This video was about how I am happy now, after my sick days, to dance and run on a beautiful beach, and how I longed for this the whole previous year. I made a comment in two languages: Russian and English and published it online.

A few hours later, I opened Facebook and did not believe my eyes. There were thousands of views and comments: supporters, admirers, strangers worried about me, funny gifs, virtual bouquets of bright and beautiful flowers, red pulsing hearts, dancing little elves, funny dogs, adorable cats and colourful fish. Most striking were the many long posts from people struggling with their own journeys, and how I inspired them. They were from people of many nationalities, living in different corners of the planet, both healthy people and those who are undergoing a difficult treatment.

I was dumbfounded, touched to the very depth of my soul. I was sitting at the same desk where I had been so frustrated and angry the day before, but now I had tears of joy and happiness. I never imagined such a positive and overwhelming response to my post. Immediately, I began writing answers to people who were happy for me and who were filled with hope for the future. I completely forgot about the computer problem that I could not solve the day before.

I realised that sometimes in life we are fixated on a certain goal and we waste untold energy in trying to achieve it. But often it’s not the most important thing we should do.

If we choose our actions based on our heart instead of our mind, sometimes we discover what it is that really helps us, what brings us fulfilment and meaning. During my sleep, my subconscious (or the angels) provided me with an idea for a far better use of my time. One that brought me happiness and fed my soul. I woke up with a choice to pursue a path of frustration or one of inspiration. I was far “wiser in the morning” by choosing the path with heart.