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MPs to debate extending state of emergency

A resolution to cut salaries for MPs and senators will be tabled in the House of Assembly’s virtual sitting today.

David Burt, the Premier, said on Wednesday that ministers had agreed to take a one-year 15 per cent cut.

A one-year 12.5 per cent pay cut is proposed for backbenchers and members of the Upper House, as well as a suspension of payments to the superannuation fund.

It is expected the House session will be brief. The standout item scheduled for debate is the extension to June 30 of state-of-emergency regulations.

Authority for the regulations is scheduled to expire at the end of this month.

Legislation designed to extend the lifetime of a development strategy document — the Development and Planning (Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 Extension) Bill 2020 — until June 3 next year is also expected to be debated.