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Boxing Day domestic dispute costs man $1,000

A 25-year-old Hamilton Parish man has appeared in Magistrates’ Court, after police were called to the scene of a Boxing Day domestic dispute.Temasgan Furbert, of Midland Heights Crescent, admitted violently resisting arrest.The court heard from Crown counsel Kirsty-Ann Kiellor that police attended a Serpentine Road, Pembroke address at 8.40pm on Boxing Day, where a woman said that her estranged boyfriend had refused to leave the residence.The court heard that Furbert was found in the basement, in an intoxicated and belligerent state. Furbert was subdued with a Taser after refusing to present his hands for arrest.During the struggle, an officer suffered a dislocated middle finger.Apologising to the court, Furbert told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner that he had recently started work and needed to care for his mother.“I’m really trying to stay out of trouble,” he said. “This is a downfall.”Mr Warner fined him $1,000, to be paid by January 28.