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Setting conditions for gambling

June 15, 2012Dear Sir,Mr Editor, I would like to inject a few proposals for making gaming legal in Bermuda. Licences should be available to hotels only. I’m not in favour of gaming machines inside of gas stations, restaurants, nightclubs, bars etc. Nor am I in favour of having the neon light signs that are so prevalent in other jurisdictions. We must protect our image that makes us the beautiful another world that we are.Another question is: Who is going to be allowed to gamble? My answer to that is simple. If you, a Bermudian or local resident, can afford the personal licence (price to be determined), then you can afford to gamble. Additionally, Bermudians may have guests from overseas who want to partake in gaming and locals should be able to join them, provided they have attained a licence. Corporations and businesses can apply for a corporate licence to entertain their clientele. This is another means whereby business and pleasure can meet. Again the price of the licence to be set by Government!Both corporate and individual entities will have a year round effect on maintaining the local gaming industry through the licence system.BROWNLOW ADDERLEYSouthampton