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<Bt-4z37>The Jacksons could go on tour again

<Bz9>Q: Is it true that the Jacksons are going to tour again? — M.J.A:</Bz9> It might be. Apparently, Michael was visited in Las Vegas recently by his various siblings, including Janet, to discuss touring together after a promoter offered to put it all together. Since his earnings are way down after spending the past couple of years mostly in court and exile instead of in a recording studio, Janet's career is at a low point following the less-than-spectacular sales of her recent albums, and the others never had much of a career outside the family, this would work out well for everyone. Contracts haven't been signed yet, however.</Bz9>

Q: Is it true that the Jacksons are going to tour again? — M.J.

A: It might be. Apparently, Michael was visited in Las Vegas recently by his various siblings, including Janet, to discuss touring together after a promoter offered to put it all together. Since his earnings are way down after spending the past couple of years mostly in court and exile instead of in a recording studio, Janet’s career is at a low point following the less-than-spectacular sales of her recent albums, and the others never had much of a career outside the family, this would work out well for everyone. Contracts haven’t been signed yet, however.

Q: I recently re-watched Funny Gi(with Barbra Streisand and Omar Sharif). What became of Fanny Brice and Nick Arnstein’s daughter? Is she still alive? — J.H.

A:<$> Frances Brice Stark, an accomplished horsewoman as a child, spent much of her early life on tour with her mother. Later, she was a well-known philanthropist, a regular on best-dressed lists, and for 52 years was the wife of producer Ray Stark, who produced Funny l<$>. She died in 1992 at the age of 72.

Q: What happeneo Justice, starring the dadom Alias? I really liked that show, and I haven’t seen it in a while. — K.M.

A: The series about a group of lawyers in Los Angeles premiered on Fox to high expectations and decent ratings, then took a break last fall for the World Series, and when it returned, it wasn’t able to recapture high-enough ratings for Fox to continue it. So, the show was canled.

Q: I read that musician Sheryl Crow and cyclist Lance Armstrong are getting back together. Is that true? — A.S.

A:<$> No, it’s not true. They did, in fact, have a cordial get-together a few weeks ago, but it didn’t go further than that. Armstrong is apparently now involved with socialite designer Tory Burch, and from recent reports, Crow might be starting up with Hank Azaria.

Q: I’m glad director Martin Scorsese finally won an Oscar. What will he do next? — .

A:<$> Yes, as you could see from the standing ovation, everyone in the Kodak Theatre the night of the Oscars was pleased that the director of such classics as Taxriver <$>and Rag Bull <$>finally won the award too. Next up: a documentary about the Rolling Stones, filmed on their recent concert tour; the biographical film The Rise of Theodoroosevelt<$>, which teams him again with his current favourite actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, star of his past three films; and Silence, the story of two Jesuit priests in 17th-century Japan. Following that, he plans to do a m called The Long Play, produced by and based on an idea by Mick Jagger, about two friends with a 40-year relationship in the music induy.

Q: Meet the Fockers was so funny. Are they going to make another movie? &#2; M.F.

A:<$> Very possibly . . . the first two instalments, Fockers athe earlier Meet the Parents<$>, were big hits, and that usually begets another version. It seems that Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro have already committed to a third outing, tentatively titled <ittle Fockers<$>, but the rest of the all-star cast, including Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman, haven’t yet said yes.

Q: I’ve always liked actor Peter Coyote. What’s he doing now?8212; P.L.

A:<$> He stars in the current family drama dows of Atticus<$>, co-stars with Josh Hartnett, Samuel L. Jackson and Teri Hatcher in a drama called Resecting the Champ<$>, due out this summer, and has plans for a couple of others: a European drama called isons ordinaires <$>and a comedy called Western Big Sky. He’s also set for a few guest appearancon the ABC series Brothers & Sisters<

Q: I love the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Will there be another one? — M.G.

A: Screenwriter Terry Rossio has said there is interest in doing a fourth instalm — the third, At World’s End<$>, is due out this summer — but it’s at a very early stage. So no one knows yet whether the principals — Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom — will be available when it does.

Q: I’m a big fan actor James Caan. Is Las Vegas coming back this fall? — I.L.

A: It will, but Caan won’t. Saying that he wants to go back to his movie career, Caan will not be in the cast when the series returns this fall. Since he has, in the past, disparaged the quality of the series, that decision shouldnRt be a total surprise.

Q: I read that actress Nicole Kidman is ng to be on Nip/Tuck. True? — L.F.

A:<$> Apparently, it is. Kidman is being directed by Ryan Murphy, the show’s creatoin a film called Need<$>, and she asked him if she could appear on the series. He joked that she could wear the nose she wore as Virginia Woolf in her Oscar-wing turn in The Hours <$>and have it surgically altered by the show’s plastic surgeons. We’ll have to wait and see if he sticks to that.