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Hunt for senior citizen continues

The hunt continued for a missing senior last night, ten days after he disappeared from his Pembroke home.

Police say they are "concerned about the welfare and well being" of Calvin Hansey Sr, 75, from Pembroke.

He's been the subject of systematic searches by officers and members of the public, and Police have described him as a senior citizen in need of medical attention.

Mr. Hansey was in the habit of taking walks in the Montpelier Road, Middle Road and North Shore Road areas of Devonshire. He was seen in the Happy Valley Road/Cherry Hill area of Pembroke around 6 p.m. on Friday August 27, and was last seen by a family member at his home in that neighbourhood around an hour later.

He is described as dark skinned, 5'9" tall, of slim build and clean shaven. He was last seen wearing a white T-shirt and blue boxer shorts.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts should call the Vulnerable Persons Unit on 295-0011 immediately.