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City's Maine man: Fans vote Goater Player of the Year

Manchester City Supporters Player of the Year on Monday night during the awards ceremony at Maine Road.

But an even more touching honour was bestowed on the Bermudian striker at the function when a pregnant female supporter told him that her unborn daughter would be named after him.

Shauna is expected next month and Goater admitted he was "lost for words'' over the gesture, a clear indication that he has become a favourite with the fanatical City supporters.

"I couldn't believe it, they are supposed to send me a picture of her,'' said Goater yesterday.

"I remember I used to read about people naming their child after Maradona when I was in Bermuda.'' Goater and his wife Anita will have to come up with children's names themselves as they are expecting twins later this year.

Goater ended the season with 29 goals and was favourite for the award after an outstanding season. He beat out goalkeeper Nicky Weaver and full back Danny Tiatto, who finished second and third in the voting.

"It shows they have come to understand my style of play,'' said Goater who, despite his 21 goals in the Second Division last season, still had a difficult time winning over the fans.

"I've got their support now and I appreciate it.'' Goater just missed out on being nominated for the First Division `team' by his fellow professionals recently as Andy Hunt of Charlton and Huddersfield's Marcus Stewart got the vote as strikers.

"I would have voted for them myself,'' said Goater, who missed voting because he was in the British Virgin Islands on World Cup duty at the time. He was the division's top scorer, netting four more than Hunt.

Goater was disappointed not to reach the 30-goal mark for the first time in a season, though he admitted it was more important that the team got promoted to the Premiership. The Bermudian needed two goals in Sunday's last game of the season to reach the milestone, scoring the equaliser as City came from 1-0 down at the half to win 4-1.

"It wasn't until 4-1 that I thought I could go for my 30th,'' said Goater who set himself an ambitious target of 25 in his first season in the First Division.

"At 2-1 and even 3-1 it was all about not conceding a goal and losing. It was most important from the second to fourth goals that we not lose.'' City have now accomplished what Watford achieved last season -- two straight promotions, though Watford failed to survive in the top flight.

City, on the other hand, have the resources and as much as 20 million could be available to strengthen the team next season.

"Money won't be a problem,'' assured Chairman David Bernstein yesterday.

"Whatever Joe (Royle) needs in terms of cash he will get. We will have a lot of capital to make sure we do well in the Premiership.

"We have a tremendous fan base and it is remarkable to think we had already sold 17,000 season tickets even before the fans knew which division we would be playing in.'' It is that tremendous support that attracted Goater to City two years ago when, on transfer deadline day in March, 1998, he left Bristol City for Maine Road. It was a decision he has never regretted even though Bristol City moved up to the First Division and Manchester City dropped into the Second Division for the first time.

"Manchester City's fan base is unbelievable,'' he said. "Even at home in Bermuda there are a lot of Manchester City fans, but when I was at Bristol City you were lucky to find one or two fans in Bermuda. I suppose now Bermuda will be split between Manchester United and Manchester City!'' And while Goater will look forward to playing against teams like Arsenal, Aston Villa, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle and Everton next season, a visit to Manchester United's Old Trafford ground will hold special appeal.

"We have them (United) in a friendly in August (16th) and that will be a good time to test the waters, though it won't be as competitive as the league,'' he said.

Perfect 10: Star striker Shaun Goater shows off the Man City shirt which will make him a marked man when he debuts in the English Premier League next season.