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Second cat killed in Smith's Parish

being killed by maurauding dogs on Friday.Saturday's newspaper reported a man corralled two dogs shortly after they mauled and killed another man's cat.

being killed by maurauding dogs on Friday.

Saturday's newspaper reported a man corralled two dogs shortly after they mauled and killed another man's cat.

In a separate incident, a man left home early on Friday and returned that evening to find his cat dead in his garden.

He told Police it appeared the cat had been attacked by a pack of dogs, and reported the incident Saturday after reading the Royal Gazette story.

Knapton Hill resident Tab Froud roped the dogs and called the dog warden after they ventured into his yard sometime after killing Carlos Estravit's 16-year-old cat Ginger.

BUS TERMINAL MEETING TRA ED Bus Terminal meeting Plans to control unruly youngsters on the public transport are nearing completion.

Education officials have met with school heads and the Public Transportation Board in a bid to solve potential flashpoints when students congregate at the City Bus Terminal.

On Friday, Chief Education Officer Joseph Christopher said meetings had taken place but there was nothing to report at this time in regard to any results.

"We are in the process of working out some procedures, that is all I can say now,'' he said.

On Tuesday, Police officers were called to the City Bus Terminal to deal with an incident involving several hundred youngsters.

Several youths later appeared in Magistrates' Court in connection with the incident and were released on bail pending a trial.

BOATERS GET IN TROUBLE RAO Boaters get in trouble Harbour Radio's assistance was required in one of two incidents over the weekend when a powerboat had to be towed in from the west end.

The 22-foot Good Vibrations ran out of fuel just north of Watford Bridge on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. and Harbour Radio contacted a nearby boat to assist.

A Marine Police launch was also dispatched and assisted in towing the powerboat with six people on board in to its moorings in the west end.

Yesterday, Harbour Radio received three reports of a sailboat aground on Dagger Rocks in Warwick around 2 p.m.

Before assistance could be dispatched, the single masted 27-foot boat was freed off the small out-crop just east of Darrell's Island. The name of the boat is not known.

CAR TYRES SLASHED CRM Car tyres slashed Police are investigating a report of threatening behaviour and tyre slashing involving a bar owner and patron early on Sunday.

The 43-year-old bar owner was talking to a customer about his behaviour when the man threatened him, forcing him to run away for his safety.

The nightclub owner later returned to the scene to discover all four of the tyres of his car had been slashed.

AIR TICKETS STOLEN CRM Air tickets stolen A visiting American couple were the victims of a thief who entered their Sonesta Beach Hotel room and stole their plane tickets.

The thief or thieves stole the tickets and other important personal documents late on Friday night. Police are investigating.

BTC ART GOES ON SHOW CPN BTC art goes on show A selection of entries for this year's BTC Directory art competition is currently on display at City Hall.

More than 50 works of art by local artists, many with a telecommunications theme, will be on show at the Edinburgh Gallery until for the next two weeks.

The winning entry, yet to be announced, will be used as the cover of the next Bermuda Telephone Company directory.

BRUSH FIRE REPORTED FIR Brush fire reported Seven firefighters in two trucks rushed to North Shore Road, Smith's Parish late on Friday to attend to a 100 by 75 foot brush fire.

Shortly after 5.30 p.m. the trucks were dispatched to a wooded area west of Four Star Pizza in Flatts Village.

The crews began fighting the fire at 5.41 p.m. and had it under control by 6.25 p.m.