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A taste of the exotic

make any mouth water, why not add one of these recipes to your Christmas dinner.JAMAICAN CHRISTMAS PUDDING (submitted by Beverly Cunningham of Jamaica) TO make approximately 4 lb.

make any mouth water, why not add one of these recipes to your Christmas dinner.

JAMAICAN CHRISTMAS PUDDING (submitted by Beverly Cunningham of Jamaica) TO make approximately 4 lb. of cake (enough to fill a 9 inch baking tin) follow this recipe: 1/2 lb. butter 1/2 lb. granulated sugar 1 tbsp. browning 2 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. of almond flavouring 2 tsp. lime juice, 1 tsp. lime or orange rind 6 eggs 4 cups mixed fruits (raisins, currants, prunes, citron, cherries, dates) 6 ozs. bread crumbs 6 ozs. flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. mixed spice 1 cup white rum 1 pt. port wine/brandy optional 1/2 cup chopped nuts (not peanuts) optional SOAK only raisins, currants and stoned prunes, half the raisins and half the currants, this will give the cake a `bite'. Do not soak the dates, cherries, mixed peel or the nuts.

It is very important to wash the raisins and currants well. After washing, soak in cold water for half an hour, then lift the fruit from the soaking water and this will allow the sand to fall to the bottom of the vessel. Dry before adding rum. Spice may be added to the rum and wine but this is not a must. Prepare tin by lining sides with 2 thicknesses of paper and the bottom with 4 thicknesses of brown paper and 1 of greaseproof paper. Grease with shortening. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Mix in browning, vanilla, almond flavouring, lime juice, rind. Add eggs one at a time and beat in well. Add soaked fruit, cherries, dates and nuts.

Mix bread crumbs, flour, baking powder, salt and mixed spice.

Add alternately with rum and port wine. Pour into prepared baking tins or steaming basins 3 full. Cover and make steaming basin watertight. Place in steamer, or put over boiling water.

Continue to add boiling water until pudding steams, approximately 3 to 3 1/2 hours. Cooking time varies with size of container.

Serve with hard sauce or hot wine sauce.

Yields one 9'' pudding.

*** GUYANA BLACK CAKE (submitted by Pansy Nichols of Guyana) 1 1./2 lb. mixed dried fruit 2 oz. mixed peel 1 tsp. mixed spice 4 oz. chopped nuts 8 oz. soft brown sugar 8 oz. butter 6 eggs 1/4 tsp. baking powder 8 oz. flour 1/2 bottle wine and/or rum 1 lb. brown sugar for Caramel 2 tbsp. wine for making Caramel (Caramel may be bought) GRIND or chop fruits & nuts.

Heat sugar for caramel, when melted add wine, simmer to desired darkness. Soak fruit for up to 3 months.

Grease and doubly line 8'' cake pan. Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs one at a time and continue to beat until fluffy. Add fruits and stir gently. Add enough caramel for desired darkness. Sift flour, baking powder and spice together.

Add a little at a time to creamed mixture and gently fold in. Mix to a soft dropping consistency using wine or rum. Pour mixture into prepared pan and bake at 300 degrees F for 2 hours. Pour rum over cake immediately after it is baked. Repeat three times until cool.

*** JUG-JUG (submitted by Hector Watson of Barbados) 1 1/2 pound of lean salt beef soaked over night 4 pints water 4 pint pigeon peas 1 cup of onion chopped, (hot pepper optional) bunch of green seasoning thyme marjoram finely chopped 3 ounces Guinea corn flour 1/4 cup butter SIMMER the beef in the water and when half cooked add the peas. Cook until tender remove from pan retaining the stock, to approximately half of the stock add onion and seasonings. Then the guinea corn flour add a little at a time cooking thoroughly before adding more stir continuously when cooked, the grains will be soft if rubbed between your thumb and finger. Meanwhile, mince the peas and the beef and add this to the stock mixture if too dry add a little more stock. Just before serving stir in the butter.