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UK law firm to help draft e-commerce legislation

UK law firm Linklaters & Paines has won the bid for the job of helping Bermuda draft legislation to foster the growth of electronic commerce on the Island.

The Linklaters & Paines team will be headed by Robyn Durie with assistance from Graeme Maguire. Ms Durie is a partner at the law firm and is co-head of the communications division.

She was an advisor on the draft European Union directives on digital signatures and electronic commerce, according to a press release. She has also provided advice to clients on the implementation of encryption, data protection and intellectual property.

Linklaters & Paines plan to conduct workshops on recent developments in electronic commerce and on legislation being developed in other jurisdictions.

The firm also stated that it will be hiring Bermuda lawyers for part of the legal work.

"Bermuda is poised to lead the offshore world in electronic commerce and there is explosive growth in the amount of electronic business already being conducted in Bermuda,'' Finance Minister Eugene Cox stated in a release.

"This exciting new field holds the promise of rewarding careers for Bermudian workers and an improved standard of living for all Bermudians.'' The Linklaters & Paines proposal beat out 11 other candidates for the job. The selection was made in consultation with the Bermuda International Business Association which has been working on positioning Bermuda in electronic commerce with Government.

According to the bidding outline document Linklaters & Paines will be required to produce drafting instructions for electronic commerce legislation along with the recommended wording of the statute and advice on policy issues by June 1.

The eventual legislation will be drafted by the Attorney General's Chambers.

Government plans on introducing the legislation to the House of Assembly before Parliament goes into recess for the summer in July.