Groups exempted from mandatory quarantine slashed
The number of groups exempted from supervised quarantine rules has been slashed, it was revealed tonight.
A Government spokeswoman said that the seven exempted categories for non-vaccinated arrivals had been cut to three in response to the spread of new variants of Covid-19.
Unaccompanied minors, the medically vulnerable and their caregivers will be able to quarantine at home if unvaccinated.
But parents travelling with children under the age of four, seniors aged 65 or older, parents travelling for educational purposes and Bermudians who left the island before May 6 will be required to stay at a designated quarantine centre.
But the spokeswoman said Bermudians who left the island between July 1 last year and May 6 will have the cost of their supervised hotel quarantine covered by the Government.
She added: “This mostly includes college and university students who are returning home for the summer.
“These may also include persons that left the country between the period of time when the airport resumed service on July 1, 2020 and the announcement of the details of supervised quarantine, namely May 6, 2021.
“Additionally, given the reduction of exemption categories mentioned above and given that there may have been residents off island at the time of the announcement who believed they were exempt from supervised quarantine, the Government will cover the cost of those persons who fall into this category.
“This refers specifically to persons who made their reservations between May 6, 2021 and June 15, 2021 for travel on or before June 19, 2021.”
But the spokeswoman warned that those who fell into the category of not needing to pay for supervised quarantine will need to provide proof of their circumstances when completing their travel authorisation form.
She said: “Travellers arriving on Sunday or after will need to follow the new travel authorisation process where they will be asked a series of questions to determine the category of traveller they fall into.
“Any traveller requiring a quarantine hotel must cover the costs for the hotel stay, choose from one of the seven participating properties and book their hotel in advance of arrival in Bermuda.
“Each traveller required to quarantine at a hotel should have a confirmed booking at a government-authorised hotel when applying for a traveller authorisation.”