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Government issues seasonal protected fishing areas warning

From May 1 through the end of August, fishing is prohibited in the southwestern seasonally protected zone as a safe haven for the Island's delicate fish stocks. The square-shaped extended closure area will remain closed to fishing until November 29.

The Island’s seasonally protected waters, known as the “hind grounds”, will become no-fishing zones for the summer starting May 1, the Department of Environmental Protection has announced.

These areas provide sanctuary for hinds and groupers when they gather to spawn for the warm months, and fishing in these areas is strictly prohibited through August 31.

Both the southwestern and northeastern protected areas contain square-shaped extended closure areas, which are closed off to fishing until November 29 each year.

The Department called on the public to review their boundaries, particularly since the borders for the southwestern haven were changed last year.

The seasonal protected areas and other fisheries regulations are in place to conserve local fish stocks, and protect them from overfishing.

No fishing: the northeastern seasonally protected area, where hind and grouper congregate during the summers, will be off-limits to fishing from May 1 through August 31. Marked also is the square extended closure area, which is fishing-free through November 29.