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It?s time to take back the streets

?Drugs are totally out of control and out of hand in Bermuda and it?s getting worse.?That is the grim message from one of the founders of a citizens? organisation which plans to fight back against the problem.Takbir Sharrieff ? a former Police Sergeant and brother of Progressive Labour Party MP Wayne Pernchief ? hopes that the call for action from newly-formed Bermudians Against Narcotics (BAN) will be heeded by Islanders.

?Drugs are totally out of control and out of hand in Bermuda and it?s getting worse.?

That is the grim message from one of the founders of a citizens? organisation which plans to fight back against the problem.

Takbir Sharrieff ? a former Police Sergeant and brother of Progressive Labour Party MP Wayne Pernchief ? hopes that the call for action from newly-formed Bermudians Against Narcotics (BAN) will be heeded by Islanders.

Mr Sharrieff, a Muslim, was not prepared to say how many people have joined BAN so far, but explained that it had been formed by a group of Muslim and Christian Bermudians, who wish to stop narcotics getting into the country.

?We have spoken to people from all walks of life, some of whom will support us in private, and some of whom will support us in public,? he said.

?Drugs have damaged homes and families and are an enemy to our lifestyle and that of our children. The number one factor behind the problem is greed. It?s a very lucrative business. There is no unemployment in Bermuda so there is no need for people to sell narcotics for a living.?

Naming Court Street and 42nd Street in Hamilton, Cambridge Road in Somerset and areas of St George?s as being particular hot-spots for drug-dealing, Mr Sharrieff, 62, who was a Police officer from 1963 to 1972 said: ?Almost every parish has an area where you can buy drugs.

?I think the Police are trying hard but they need the support of the public who are not giving it at the moment. It?s lazy to expect the Police and Customs to deal with it by themselves. This is singularly the worst problem that we have in Bermuda today.?

And Mr Sharrieff, from Devonshire, who currently works as director of security at the Elbow Beach Hotel, issued a warning on behalf of BAN to those who are caught up in Bermuda?s drug trade.

?People need to stop protecting those, such as family members, who deal with drugs. If there?s anyone in the Police service involved in drugs we will go after them as well ? there will be no safe haven.

?What?s happened in Bermuda in the past is people have been protected and that?s why we have a monster in our midst.?

In order to garner public support, BAN is organising a street rally on November 12 in the Court and Elliott Street area of the City of Hamilton.

The event will feature local speakers including Pastor Ronnie Smith of the First Church of God, Angle Street, Imam-Basim Muwwakill of the Cedar Avenue Muslim community, and political activist Rolf Commissiong.

Guest speakers from the USA will also attend, and Mr Sharrieff said that politicians from the United Bermuda Party and Progressive Labour Party will be invited, as well as representatives from organisations such as the Centre for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention, the Hands of Love Mission, the Physical Abuse Centre, and the Women?s Resource Centre.

?We are inviting all of Bermuda to come out and speak if they want to,? said Mr Sharrieff.