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Cox unveils Immigration Board

A new-look Immigration Board backed by a special Advisory Council was yesterday unveiled by Home Affairs and Public Safety Minister Paula Cox.

She said: "Immigration is probably one of the most sensitive areas we have to deal with in Government.

"And, while you can't move responsibility as Minister, you can share responsibility and decision-making.'' The 13-strong board will be led by veteran PLP MP Reginald Burrows, who will also chair the 33-member advisory group.

Ms Cox said the board included representatives of local and international business, the hotel industry, banks and labour, as well as information technology and the clergy.

She said: "I've chosen board members who represent the major stakeholders in the community who will be able to create a successful balance between competing interests.

"I'm confident that the new board will be able to approach all immigration issues in a spirit of cooperation to achieve what is best for Bermuda.'' Some members of the board will also sit on the advisory group and Mr. Burrows said he was delighted to be heading both the bodies.

He added: "We feel that this council is going to play a very important part in the development and policy of the Immigration Board.

"As we all realise, the Immigration Board is very important -- if we tend to be delinquent in our duties, in many cases we can prolong or hold up projects which would like to get started in this country.'' But he stressed: "We realise that Bermudians in particular have to have the first preference in any job if they have the qualifications. If the qualifications are not available then, as before, the employer can look overseas.'' Ms Cox added: "The Immigration Advisory Council is much more broad-brush than just getting the problems of the Immigration board -- I really expect them to be a front-line resource.'' She said the input of the new Council would be useful in dealing with the problems of long-term residents and the sale of property to non-Bermudians,'' And she added that work permits were "not just an isolated issue'' but should be linked to training opportunities.

Ms Cox said: "Certainly, I'm the one who is accountable -- but I will be relying to a large degree also on the quality of advice I get.'' And she denied the new Council would turn into a bureaucratic talking shop.

She said: "The Advisory Council will be drawing on the experiences of people who are the stakeholders.

"And I don't see how dialogue and talking to people who are at the cutting edge to some degree can be an impediment.

"It's an advisory board -- we won't always agree or accept, but it's important to have that.'' The Immigration Board will meet weekly, while the all-volunteer Advisory Council will meet monthly, with sub-committee meetings also likely to be set up.

Immigration Board members are Mr. Burrows, Donna Harvey Maybury, Tim Marshall, Colin Campbell, Derrick Burgess, Raymond Russell, Bryan Dowling, Julia Patton, Archdeacon Arnold Hollis, Robert Calderon, Delroy O'Brien, Joseph Johnson and Craig Tucker.