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Man denies sunglasses theft

A Sandys man denied stealing a $150 pair of sunglasses from his uncle in Magistrates’ Court this morning.

Richard Dill, 46, also denied trespassing at his uncle’s Sandys parish residence with the intent to steal, but changed his plea after Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner explained the charges to him.

Prosecutor Takiyah Burgess told the court Dill entered his uncle’s house on two separate occasions, while knowing he was not welcome.

On the first occasion, some time between October 17 and November 24, Dill admitted to taking his uncle’s sunglasses — while his uncle was overseas — because he was painting a roof that day and wanted to shield his eyes from the sun. Dill said he intended to return them, but the sunglasses were confiscated by police when he was arrested on another matter.

On the second occasion, some time between November 25 and December 2, Dill was found using the bathroom by his uncle, who had returned home for lunch. Dill left the premises after his uncle began phoning the police to report the matter.

“I didn’t enter to steal anything, just to get something to eat,” Dill explained to Mr Warner.

“Was the food yours?” Mr Warner asked.

“No,” Dill replied.

“Well that is what stealing is,” Mr Warner explained. “If the food isn’t yours, and you trespass to take that food, your are doing so with the intent to steal.”

“I never thought of it like that,” Dill replied. “Now you put it that way, your honour, I’d like to change my plea.”

Mr Warner adjourned sentencing until tomorrow and remanded Dill into custody.