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It’s a practical matter

Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre

November 21, 2013

Dear Sir,

Which is better for a senior citizen in need of special treatment in St George’s or St David’s:

1. A simple five minute drive in an ambulance to a care centre nearby?

2. A long 20 minute drive in an ambulance to Point Finger Road considering, the roads are constantly packed with cars per day?

Might as well say if you chose (2), that that elderly person might not survive the trip and had the centre stayed open, the chances of survival would’ve been a lot higher. Okay yes, UCC doesn’t have all the facilities KEMH has but, that hospital isn’t even fully finished so, right now they’re in the same vote right? By having a sort-of hospital located in the East End of the Island, you’re saving an elderly person’s life (somewhat) that he or she couldn’t get if they, had to rely on an ambulance to take them the full distance from the start.

Warwick, Southampton/Sandys should’ve had a care centre themselves since South Shore Road, area by Ice Queen, and even further up, is always ridiculously flooded with cars, trucks, bikes and even taxis-per day. Forget the cost, MPs make more money than anybody else on the crazy island whether it be, Patricia Gordon Pamplin or any of those (I don’t really care about Bermuda, just as long as I’m getting paid big money ministers). They’re loaded compared to some of us (those not owning crazy $75,000 vehicle, work at a place like a school where, they’re making oodles of cash per week, owning a plush house on top of that and, still complaining about not having much cash ... greedy freakazoids).

This isn’t even somebody who sounds educated, seems more like an uneducated person (worried about cash when you’re practically greedy with what you have now ... how much money does Pamplin-Gordon make anyhow? And why would she be that determined to shut down a Government business that is trying to help people despite, how old the place is? Is KEMH even finished yet cause I still see parts showing it isn’t therefore, it would be better keeping UCC open).

