PLP leader’s vision for tomorrow was inspirational
October 28, 2013
Dear Sir,
It sounds as if we have another Martin Luther King in our midst, and what a refreshing riveting experience it was, to listen to Mark Bean addressing The 46th annual Banquet at The Hamilton Princess on Saturday night.
We see a genuine man, dedicated to his mission, the truth, fearless in his admonitions of our past frailties. A little political perhaps, but applicable to any persuasion.
Of our greed, our selfish hugging to what is ours, but failing to share and give help to the next guy. To communicate and gather together to see the needs, and not always our own. To neglect our youth and fail to provide suitable facilities to help them flourish and find their own calling by themselves. Our stupidity to let them think that Government must do it, let them struggle and fight, that fight is what makes the man. To listen to the people, s needs and help them help themselves. Be your brother’s keeper.
Great stuff, it generates love and there is nothing that gets things going more than love. Be good parents, so that you have worthy children who grow up to be an asset wherever they go.
To develop a society that thinks, acts and delivers, a common sense of decency, whereby we respect different views, but consider what is best for the whole, and to labour for a good Government, for all to anticipate in and flourish.
To not let the sacrifices of The Forefathers in Bermuda be of no avail, or, take for granted the progress that is enjoyed today.
Every generation must make it’s own footprint. Every generation must strive to make it better than the last.
Will Bermuda’s be that sand castles were built and then trampled down, over and over again. As Mr. Bean said in his speech: “We stand on the shoulders of greatness.” Let it be so.
The 300 guests sat in silence and awe while this young man with controlled emotion unfolded his thoughts about a better tomorrow. He has the wisdom, the education and the passion, I hope we hear more of you Mr Bean.
I thought I heard a whisper, “I have a dream.”
He gave me one. Thank you.
Diana Williams.