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History of our Halifax connection

A Canadian reporter recently detailed the historic links between Bermuda and Halifax, highlighting St George’s as a destination for heritage tourism.Tiffany Thornton of Halifax’s The Chronicle Herald wrote in an article dated October 16 she started to look into the link between the two communities after discovering a tombstone at St Peter’s Church cemetery from 1816 with the name of a Halifax surgeon.She said that Halifax used to supply the Island with food and lumber, and Bermuda’s Royal Navy Dockyard was inspired by the North American Royal Navy Base and Dockyard in Halifax — with many of the refugees who built Bermuda’s Dockyard later settling in Nova Scotia.The first street lights in Hamilton were ordered from Halifax, and Bermuda’s first bank and currency notes came from Halifax after the Royal Bank of Canada opened an agency in Bermuda.“The history between these two places is vast and even today hundreds of young Bermudians leave annually for scholastic purposes to study in Halifax at St. Mary’s, Dalhousie and Mount Saint Vincent,” she wrote. “One could spend endless hours in this piece of paradise exploring towns and delving into Bermuda’s maritime roots and history.”She also praised the Island’s hospitality and the St George’s Club as the best place to “hunker down and explore”.Useful website: thechronicleherald.ca