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Give Govt time to sort out the mess

Finance Minister E.T. (Bob) Richards arriving at the sessions house to deliver the OBAs first budget statement Photo David Skinner

Dear Sir,I see a lot of people and I listen a lot; a whole lot, and I keep hearing people say that the OBA Government “needs to be bold … to just go ahead and get things done … and fast.” People say the Government should forget about the politics, forget about public opinion, forget about what people think they want, and just do the things that need to be done to fix what’s wrong.Well, to those people, I say, pay attention. The OBA is being bold. It is doing what needs to be done to fix what’s wrong; to ending an era of misery for the thousands who lost their jobs in recent years.In less than a year, it seems to me the OBA Government has taken significant steps to turn around an economy that was heading off a cliff; doing the right things even though they have been attacked for doing them. Think of ending terms limits that had become a barrier to jobs for Bermudians, and payroll tax cuts for employers to boost the hiring of Bermudians. Think of creating incentives for job makers that bizarrely was attacked for taking jobs away from Bermudians. Think about the Tourism Authority to reboot Bermuda tourism, and tax reductions for real estate purchases to boost jobs for construction workers and service providers.Think about creating job opportunities for Bermudians aboard cruise ships, from shipboard staff positions to entertainers. Think about the steps taken to stabilise our debt situation and the work of the SAGE Commission to make Government operations more efficient, more cost-effective and more user-friendly.Think about the launch of Regulatory Authority to deregulate and oversee the telecommunications industry; work that has already seen dramatic reductions in the cost of internet services, benefiting residents and businesses. And think about the reform of the Human Rights Act to eliminate discrimination on the basis of age and sexual discrimination.Step back and see the Big Picture: The OBA Government has not even finished one year of a five-year term but is deeply engaged in addressing virtually all key challenges facing the Island. They are rebuilding the economic foundation so that every Bermudian can have opportunities to pursue their dreams, to meet their needs and to believe they are part of the Island no matter what.The Government is focused on doing whatever it takes to achieve the recovery and renewal of Bermuda. And given the terrible state the Island was in at the last election, recovery and renewal will take time. The political challenge for the Government is to keep people’s faith in the time it will take to get the job done. That’s not going to be easy, given the circumstances it inherited last December.The Government is in the process of rebuilding Bermuda; ending mass unemployment, restoring confidence in the Island as a place to do business, creating new streams of activity to grow jobs and career opportunities. The goal, as I see it, is to create an environment in which every Bermudians who wants a job, who wants a new career, who wants a reason to return home can have one.But it’s going to take time. Governments can’t just go and DO THINGS. There is always a process, there are laws, there is a Constitution; in other words, many steps to “getting things done”. And I, for one, am assured and have seen enough to say they are more concerned about doing things right rather than simply taking action for the sake of action. You can see it in the delay of the referendum on gaming — taking political “hits” while measuring twice to cut once.It would be better if Bermuda was not so tied to all-encompassing partisan politics, in which people are seen in terms of whether they are PLP or OBA. It would be better if people were not so defined. For my two bits, I have watched the OBA working over a fairly long period of time and I see its Parliamentary group and the many behind the scenes as passionate, dedicated, caring people. In these first months in office, one can argue that they could have done a better job communicating, but they’ve been learning on the job and they are getting a better grip on the levers of government.Part of that learning process has been to adjust their plans to the hard realities of what they found since coming into office — particularly in Finance where the Minister, ET (Bob) Richards, spent a good chunk of his first months in office looking “under the hood” to determine how bad the situation was.The reality is that the terrible state of public finances — shocking year-to-year deficits, interest payments of more than $100 million a year and the billion-dollar debt — has dramatically narrowed the government’s ability to act. It may be sunny on any given day across the Island, but the government is tied to the helm of a storm-tossed ship trying to sail it to calm waters. There is no easy or quick solution here. There is a lot of sailing to do.And let’s not leave it up to them. Don’t be an armchair critic…. If you have ideas that can help in any area of public life, call your MP, tell them what you think, or volunteer to serve on a board or committee. Bermuda will do so much better if we are pulling together.We all need to be patient and learn to trust our newly-elected Government. Trust must be earned, not merely given, but I, for one, am willing to give mine.I understand why people are impatient. They want to see change for the better. They’ve had enough of decline and disappointment. Who hasn’t? But let’s give this Government a chance to bring about the change we need.There are already signs of recovery in new hiring, new building projects, new company incorporations, rising consumer confidence and safer streets — signs that we are finally starting to move in the right direction. But it’s still early days. Sure, keep the Government on its toes, but let’s do so with awareness of the massive challenge they, we, all of us face. Bermuda was heading for disaster and now, after nine months in office, it looks like the OBA Government has at least stabilised the situation. We’re not out of the woods yet, but I think we’re starting to head in the right direction. Let’s give the Government time to see us there. They’ve got steady hands on the wheel. They are being deliberate in their decision-making, and they are set on making this Island work better for people, in every way. It’s about building a secure and prosperous future today, one decision at a time.I applaud them for their efforts and I am encouraged by what I’ve seen. Keep at it. Keep working. You’re on the right track.D MARTINWarwick