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Gibbs Hill Lighthouse repairs to start ‘in the next few months’

Photo by David SkinnerFix-up time: Gibbs Hill Lighthouse showing signs of years of neglect, as rust and cracks are clearly visible at the Southampton tourist attraction.

Repair work is set to begin on Gibbs Hill Lighthouse in the “next few months”, according to the Ministry of Public Works.While former Minister of Government Estates Michael Scott said a contract was signed last year to repair the site, Public Works Minister Trevor Moniz said earlier this year that Government was reconsidering decisions made by the previous administration.Since then, rust has continued to spread over the tourist attraction, with large cracks clearly visible on the lighthouse’s exterior.A spokesman for the Ministry of Public Works said yesterday: “The contract to carry out repair and maintenance work on Gibbs Hill Lighthouse has been awarded.“Work is expected to commence in the next few months so as not to disrupt visitors and the adjoining restaurant during the height of our visitor season.”Prior to the general election last year, Mr Scott said the lighthouse was on the list for major upgrades by the Department of Public Lands and Buildings after members of the public expressed concern about the rusting exterior of the building.He announced that an “exhaustive assessment” was carried out and it was determined that around $500,000 of renovation work was required.Mr Scott said at the time: “The external painting of a structure as tall as the lighthouse requires the construction of scaffolding and the services of a highly specialised team.“To that end, we have sought quotations from painters and construction companies with expertise and experience in painting and repairing tall steel structures.”The work was also set to include sand blasting all of the metal surfaces and the instillation of a new guardrail on the observation deck.Mr Scott said the job was tendered and a contract was given, but Mr Moniz said earlier this year all contractual matters were under review to “reconsider decisions made by the previous administration”.

Photo by David SkinnerFix-up time: Gibbs Hill Lighthouse showing signs of years of neglect, as rust and cracks are clearly visible at the Southampton tourist attraction.