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Learn Bridge in a Day is coming to Bermuda on September 21

The Guest Columnist this week is Alan Douglas. Alan has been playing bridge for more than 40 years, and has represented Bermuda in International Competition more than 20 times.He won the Caribbean and Central American Championships in 2003, and also has numerous regional and sectional wins to his credit.At this time The ACBL Nationals are being held in Atlanta.A large contingent of local players made the trip over and we wish them well.I must remind players that there have been some changes to the schedule at the Bridge Club.Please check the BBC website for more information.Another reminder — Learn Bridge in a Day is coming to Bermuda on September 21.This seminar will provide an insight to bridge for new players and players who want a refresher.Please tell anyone you know who may be interested. The venue will be The Bermuda Bridge Club.The time of the event will be published soon.The theme for today’s hands is “Helping Partner Make the Right Decision”.First a defensive gem:You South hold the following hand: ? 54 ? 9653 ? AKQJ1054 ? void.The bidding goes N E S WP P 3? 3?P P P.Your partner leads the ?2, East the 7, You win the ?10 and West plays the 3.How do you continue the defence?Second Hand- A bidding challenge.You East hold the following hand: ? 9 ? 107652 ?A83 ? AQ43.North passes in first seat and so do you. South opens 1? and Partner West overcalls 1?, North again passes and it is your turn to bid.The choices at the Bridge Club were varied and here are some of the responses:1 2? = Heart fit and at least a Limit Raise2 3? = Heart fit invitational to game3 4? = Game bid.The most helpful bid of all which was missed at every table in the club, is a Splinter jump to 3?, which says to partner I have enough values for you to make game in Hearts and I also have a singleton spade.The auction should be:-N E S WP P 1? 1?P 3?* P 4NTP 5? P 6?All pass*Singleton or void in spadesThe whole hand was:-N? 10652? 8? 765? J10975W E? Q873 ? 9? AKQJ94 ? 107652? K9 ? A83? 2 ? AQ43S? AKJ4? 3? QJ1042? K86.This slam was missed at every table on Monday night.Back to the defensive hand:South can tell that as North led the ?2 that it is a singleton.So you return the ?4 at trick 2 forcing north to ruff. North will realise that because you did not cash a winning high diamond that you want to ruff a club.So back comes the ?Q (suit preference) which is duly ruffed, a heart is led to partners Ace for a second club ruff.Nicely done for down one!The whole hand was:N? 76? A1074? 2? QJ8543W E? AKQJ1093 ? 82? Q2 ? KJ8? 63 ? 987? K7 ? A10962S? 54? 9653? AKQJ1073? VoidPS The “Ask Alan” chat box is open and ready to go on the BBC website.If you want to ask a question and do not want to use your name, just go to the chat box without logging on with your name and the question will be anonymous.