Who wants to learn how to play this fantastic game?
The Guest Columnist this week is Alan Douglas. Alan has been playing bridge for more than 40 years, and has represented Bermuda in International Competition more than 20 times. He won the Caribbean and Central American Championships in 2003, and also has numerous regional and sectional wins to his credit.At this time there are lots of Bermuda bridge players at The ACBL Summer Nationals in Atlanta. I am sure that you all will join with me in wishing them the best of luck.I have just been informed that on Saturday, September 21, 2013, The Bermuda Bridge Club will be holding a lecture at The Club entitled “Learn Bridge in a Day.” Anyone who wants to learn or be refreshed about this fantastic game should plan to come. More details will be published soon.Here is a hand from the 2004 Championship Open Pairs at the Barbados “Sun, Sea and Slams” Bridge Tournament, when Ian Harvey, and I, had a 70 percent game in the first of three sessions, and eventually went on to win the event.I was sitting South and picked up the following hand:?S 42?H AQJ84D K93C KJ9.The bidding proceeded as follows:N E S W- 3C? 3H P3S? P 3NT P4?C(i) P 4D(ii) P5?H(iii) P 6?H All Pass(i) 1st round club control and slam try(ii) 1st or 2nd round diamond control(iii) Please bid 6? if your hearts are good.The Q-S was led and I could see the following hands:Ian AlanS A K 7 6 5 3 S 42?H K 5 3 ? H A Q J 8 4D A J 8 7 D K 9 3?C Void ?C K J 9I won the Q-S lead with the A-S, East followed with the 9-S and I played the 2-S from hand.“Before reading on, how would you play the hand?”This is what I did.At trick 2 I led the 3-H? and won the J-H, E/W both following.I then made this key play.The 4?-S was led, and when West played the 8-S, I played the 3-S from dummy and East pitched the 7-C.West now led the 2-D to the J-D Q-D and K-D.I now led the 4?-H to the K-H,? e/w both following,Now the 5-S was led, East discarding the 2-C, I ruffed with the 8-H, West playing the 10-S.I now drew the last trump with the Q-H?and backing my judgment played the 3-D and when West played the 6-D finessed the 7-D, East playing the 4-D.I now claimed 12 tricks.I enjoyed this hand and it was fun to play.The entire hand was:North IanS A K 7 6 5 3H K 5 3D A J 8 7C VoidWest EastS Q J 10 8 S 9H 10 7 6 ? H 9 2D 10 6 2 D Q 5 4C 6 5 4 ? C A Q 10 8 7 3 2South Alan?S 4 2?H A Q J 8 4D K 9 3C K J 9