Ferry crews are doing a great job
July 8, 2013Dear Sir,I would like to take this opportunity to complement and encourage the members of the Sea Express team. I travel on the ferries regularly, particularly from Hamilton to Dockyard and to St George’s. The crews on the ferries, in spite of the increased workload and decrease in pay are performing brilliantly. Most have a positive approach to their work and towards passengers, visitors and locals alike.I would particularly like to single out Mr Denis Outerbridge, the catalyst, who stands in the blazing heat day in and day out coordinating the ferries and passengers at Dockyard. Not anyone can do this job; well his brother Eugene did before him. It takes a very special person. He never seems to waiver, his manner is constantly courteous, polite and jovial, always wanting to assist. Denis has tremendous respect from pilots and crew. You don’t notice him wielding his authority — but he does.Keep up the good work guys. Better times are on the way.John Dale