Parents unhappy at teacher transfer
An urgent meeting of parents and teachers for West Pembroke Primary was last night called in response to a teacher transfer.The move was described by one parent as unpopular and “disrupting continuity” — and The Royal Gazette understands it targeted a long-serving member of staff.Teacher transfers within the public schools can be voluntary or involuntary, as educators across the system retire or finish their contracts.Transfers of two popular school principals, undertaken by the Ministry of Education as part of a restructuring of the Island’s public schools, were last year overturned by a Supreme Court ruling that saw Government pledging to involve PTAs in such decisions.Asked if Government had consulted with the West Pembroke PTA on the transfer, a Ministry spokeswoman responded: “Teacher transfers are not required to be consulted upon. Further, we do not publicly comment on personnel matters.”However, she added that last year’s ruling in court applied only to “momentous decisions”.