Parade route advisory and holiday ferry schedule released
The Department of Community and Cultural Affairs issued a public advisory yesterday on the Bermuda Day Parade which starts from Bernard Park at 1.30pm and finishes at City Hall Car Park in Hamilton.The parade route will move along Dutton Avenue from Bernard Park on to Marsh Folly Road through to Cedar Avenue.The parade will turn left on to Church Street followed by a right turn on to Court Street moving to Front Street and up Queen Street with final performances at City Hall Cark Park.In the interest of public safety the floats will make a right turn on to Church Street at the top of Queen Street to park in front of City Hall where they will be on display throughout the afternoon.The dance trucks, however, will make a slight left turn and proceed along Wesley Street to offload dancers at the performance site and move on to Park Road.All Bermuda Day Parade activities are expected to be completed by 7.30pm Friday.Community and Cultural Development Minister Wayne Scott noted that the Bermuda Day Parade is “the climax of our Heritage Month programme”.“The ever popular and much loved Bermuda Day Parade is an event that holds a very special place in our hearts,” said Mr Scott.“The parade, as has been the custom, will use the same Heritage Month theme — ‘The Colours, Sights and Sounds of Bermuda’; and will feature beautifully creative floats; the pulsating rhythms of Gombey Dancers and other dance groups; the spectacular performances of majorette groups and the energy and enthusiasm of all participants,” he added.Members of the public are also urged to “follow the instructions of the parade marshals” and wishes were extended for everyone to have a “safe and happy Bermuda Day”.Ferries will operate as follows over the Bermuda Day holiday:The Blue Route will run between Hamilton and Dockyard according to its regular weekday schedule. The first ferry will leave Hamilton at 8.30am and the last will depart at 7.30am.Ferries will leave Hamilton at 7.30am to transport marathon participants to Watford BridgeThe Orange Route will run between Dockyard and St George’s according to its Friday schedule with the first ferry leaving at 9.15am and the last at 2.15pm.The Pink Route, which travels between Hamilton, Paget and Warwick, will operate on its regular public holiday schedule.The first ferry will leave Hamilton at 10am and the last at 6pm.The Green Route will not be in operation. There will be no ferry services from Rockaway, Cavello Bay and Watford Bridge.