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WOW launches HDTV channels free

Wireless subscription TV provider WOW has launched High Definition 1080 TV programming to its customers at no additional cost.“As the telecommunication industry continues to move forward, we are constantly evaluating and evolving in order to exceed our customers' growing needs and wants by adding value and delivering direct cost benefits,” WOW said in a statement.“Our aim as the leading wireless subscription television provider is to continue meeting the viewing requirements of our customers, as we meet the challenges of the pending change to the telecommunication licenses.“In light of the economy, we appreciate more than ever that consumer’s have chosen WOW and we believe that complementary HD 1080 content will be a welcomed added value service for them — giving customers theatre and CD quality sound to their homes, offices or even boats! HDTV offers: (1) Increased picturequality with higher resolution images; (2) Widescreen format; and (3) Programs containing Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. For these exciting times ahead, we plan on continuing to design our entire service offering around our customers’ requirements, while maintaining the highest calibre of Customer Care possible.President and CEO, Stanley G. Wright stated, "We realise with telecoms reform comes increased competition and we have been assessing our position within the market with this fact in mind — offering free HD 1080 content is the first milestone on our journey towards the WOW of the future.“We have also implemented an online TV programme guide and a one month free trial period for our potential customers along with a new Customer Care Promise, consisting of: (1) Returning calls within two hours; (2) Installing new service within 72 hours of sign up, etc.“In an industry that is constantly evolving, we understand the need to evolve with it. We keep our customers at the core of every move we make and aim to continually exceed their expectations.”