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Somerset EEZ hosts interviewing & resume writing workshop

Resume revamp: Somerset EEZ is offering a resume writing and interviewing skills workshop this Thursday.

Residents in the West End will have the opportunity to spruce up their resume and interviewing skills via an upcoming workshop.The Somerset Economic Empowerment Zone (EEZ) in conjunction with Somerset Exempt Company SWISSedge Ltd and The National Training Board are set to host the ‘Ready, Aim, Hired’ interviewing & resume writing workshop to be held at the Prince Albert Lodge in Mangrove Bay, Somerset this Thursday, March 21.Held from 12-3pm, the goal of this first workshop is to empower participants with the necessary skills and abilities to gain successful employment, whether it may be full or part-time.Professionals will be on hand from partnering organisations and the Somerset community to coach participants on designing effective resumes, best practice interviewing techniques and dressing for success. All participants are asked to register prior to the workshop so that individual needs can be met within the three hour workshop.The Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said of the training initiative: “We recognise that if we are going to get people back to work, training will be an important component. And it is Ministry partnerships such as these which demonstrate our commitment to helping Bermudians gain the necessary skills to compete in this current economy. I want to thank all those involved for their dedication to and support of this programme, including the BEDC, the Labour and Training Department and the Somerset EEZ. It’s our hope that residents in the West End who may need this service, take full advantage of this event so that we can ensure we help as many Bermudians as possible transition back into the workforce.”Entrepreneurs are also encouraged to attend this workshop as the skills that will be imparted can help develop successful communication skills that will be valuable when working with a potential client or partner. The National Training Board will also be on hand to conduct assessments. All participants are asked to e-mail Dawn Simmons at dawnsimmons62@gmail.com or call 704-0149.