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CedarBridge tackling gang-related graffiti

The CedarBridge Academy Board of Governors said yesterday the school is working proactively to tackle antisocial behaviour after it was revealed gang graffiti had appeared in a rest room.Last week, a reader contacted The Royal Gazette about the graffiti, which she noted in a girl’s bathroom.Among the phrases written on the wall were “F*** Park Side”, “West Side or Swerve”, and “West B****”.The reader said: “I was compelled to take it because I was so sad to see that this gang culture has entered the minds of not only high school students, but high school girls at that.”Questioned about the graffiti, a spokesman for the CedarBridge board said: “The CedarBridge Academy would like it to be very clear that it is a centre of success and it is a centre of education.“All of those affiliated with CedarBridge Academy recognise that we play a tremendous role in the shaping of the minds of our young people.“We are keenly aware that, as part of the community of Bermuda, that we have to take all forms of antisocial behaviour very seriously and continue to create the environment of learning that produces successful students.“Our students are some of the best the Island produces and the majority of CedarBridge is meeting the standards necessary for success. CedarBridge currently addresses this form of behaviour in a proactive manner.”The spokesman also noted that CedarBridge is a member of Peaceful Schools International, and has programmes including Chain Reaction and Peer Mediation in place to tackle antisocial activity.The spokesman also noted a recent announcement by Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley, who said earlier this week that anti-gang initiatives will be placed in all levels of the school system.“The CedarBridge Academy welcomes the introduction of such programmes so that our students can continue to learn in a safe environment, so that our young people can get the assistance that they need to build their resistance to the lure of antisocial activities,” the spokesman said.“Such programmes will assist our parents, teachers, staff and students in collecting the tools and resources needed to continue to excel in our education environment.”Regarding the issue of graffiti, the spokesman said the School implemented a graffiti control programme last year, in which all bathrooms are checked three times a week and any graffiti is reported for the maintenance staff to clean as soon as possible.