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Why we need The Deliverer

Rev Betty L –Furbert-Woolridge

Christmas message from the Rev Betty L. Furbert-Woolridge, Presiding Elder, East-West District Bermuda ConferenceThe African Methodist Episcopal (AME) churches of Bermuda extends Christmas greetings to all.Good Christian men rejoice, with heart and soul and voice; give ye heed to what we say, Jesus Christ is born today; Ox and ass before Him bow, and in the manger now, Christ is born today!Good Christian men rejoice, with heart and soul and voice; now ye need not fear the grave; Jesus Christ was born to save, call you one and call you all, to gain the everlasting hall. Christ was born to save!Yes, Jesus did come to save, and He came not to save just the rich, but the poor; not just the old, but the young, not just the strong, but the weak, not just the well, but the sick, not just the cream of the crop, but also those who are less fortunate in our society. He came to save all of humankind; whosoever will, let them come!!During the Christmas season of joy and gladness, of loving, of caring, of sharing, and this season in which we celebrate God having given the ultimate, unspeakable gift, of His Son.Let us not be depressed or downcast but, rather let us be lifted up. Let us move into and through this season with the message of the new birth ringing in our ears and residing in our hearts, overlooking our lowliness and acknowledging the fact that God’s gift is for you and me …. that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.COME LORD JESUSWe need the Deliverer to rescue us from the perils of today, From the hate, the hurt, the heartaches, from those things that are in our way; From those things that obstruct our vision, from vain glory which is a part, From all those things that block the way of the Savior into the heart.We need the Messiah to set us free from the bondage of sin and shame; From the way we treat each other and the way we place the blame;From the bondage that causes loneliness from the bondage that causes pain; From the bondage of sensual materialism that is driving us insane.We need Jesus to come and shed His light on the dimness of our ways, And to make us so full by His presence that all will sing His praise; To again set an example for everyone to see, and to so impel us, all of us toward what God has ordained us to be.COME LORD JESUSMerry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year