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A privilege to serve you

This is the last editorial this Editor of The Royal Gazette will write. On Monday, Jeremy Deacon will assume the role of Acting Editor of The Royal Gazette while the formal search for an Editor continues.It has been an honour and a privilege to serve the readers of The Royal Gazette for the last 14 years.It has not always been easy and there have been periods of intense criticism and scrutiny. But the importance of delivering reliable news which readers can use to make informed decisions about their lives.Doing that requires reporting and commenting on the news without fear or favour.But that can only be done if the reporting is fair and accurate. Journalists pursue truth but we don’t always attain it because sometimes it takes time to reveal itself. But if we can be accurate in what we report, then we cannot be faulted.Phil Graham of the Washington Post said that journalism was the first draft of history. That means it is immediate, but not always exactly right. Some errors are made in haste, some due to inadequate information. But journalism is also a continuing process. Each day reveals new truths.Journalists also need to put themselves in the place of those they report on. If they can do that and say that they would feel fairly treated, then they have done their jobs. That does not mean they should not be critical or hold people accountable; they should and they must. But they have to be sure they tell both sides of the story, and to treat people with decency.Sometimes good journalism means publishing information that not everyone wants to see published or agrees with. It can be costly, both at all levels. There have been times over the last 14 years when the pressure to change course has been pretty heavy. At times it would have been easier just to bow to it.But that would have meant we had failed you, our readers, and we have an obligation to you, and to you alone, to deliver the news, no matter how unpalatable. At times this newspaper has taken controversial stands and at times it has been more or less alone.But we have done it because we believe you deserve to know what is happening in our community, and it has been a privilege to do it.Thank you.