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OBA says all of its candidates are drug free

OBA leader Craig Cannonier, left with candidiate Susan Jackson and MP Louise Jackson.

All One Bermuda Alliance candidates have been drug tested and found to be clean, the party’s leader Craig Cannonier said yesterday.But while the OBA requires its general election candidates to be drug free, Mr Cannonier would not take a position on whether the Progressive Labour Party should withdraw the candidacy of Makai Dickerson who admitted being caught with marijuana by the Police.“That’s entirely a decision up to the PLP. Certainly, they need to review their standards and what they wish for their candidates. As far as a standard is concerned I really think it’s in their hands,” Mr Cannonier said.“We believe that we have a standard and all of our candidates are drug tested. We believe that Bermuda also has a standard that it believes its leadership should hold to. But this entirely is up to the PLP to make that decision.”Early yesterday evening, a statement was issued on Mr Dickerson’s behalf saying he had decided to withdraw his candidacy.On decriminalisation of marijuana, Mr Cannonier said that his party was reviewing its stance.“We know that it is a concern. Our youth group has been looking at it — we’ve asked for feedback from them and we will forward the results when we’re done with that.”The PLP has said that it is “moving toward decriminalisation” of marijuana possession for personal use.Mr Cannonier made his comments at yesterday’s press conference announcing Susan Jackson’s general election candidacy.Besides Mr Cannonier, Louise Jackson, and Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards, candidates GayLynne Cannonier and Leah Scott were at Ms Jackson’s rollout.All were asked whether they had ever used marijuana. Mr Cannonier, Ms Cannonier and Mrs Jackson said they had not.Ms Cannonier said: “No I haven’t. I’m here to serve as a public servant and I have been found to be drug free.”Ms Jackson and Ms Scott said that they had used cannabis in the past.Mr Richards said: “I have been around for 64 years and my answer to you is since I have been in public life I have been drug tested. Before that, it’s nobody’s concern but mine.” Devonshire North Central candidate Anthony Francis also said he had not used marijuana when asked earlier during the day.