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Dishonest policy

Dishonest policyNovember 24, 2012Dear Sir,In the bad old United Bermuda Party days contractors for Government works that were to be awarded by tender were preapproved to bid and the number of contractors selected based upon known ability and record kept to a reasonable number so thousands of dollars would not be spent on tender preparation by dozens of companies when only one would be successful. Once preapproved, the contract was awarded based upon the tender sum. Since the Progressive Labour Party came into power there have been many contracts awarded as “sole source” when there have been many companies that could have provided bids and contracts awarded to contractors that were not the lowest bid, despite all invited contractors completing the preselection process. The reason we are in such a mess now is the PLP’s matrix for awarding contracts. They invite you to bid but when the person or company they wanted to win doesn’t present the lowest price they say they use their 50 percent quality, 30 percent price and 20 percent company profile matrix to make sure they get the work to who they want. This is transparent in its dishonesty.NOT A FRIEND OF THE PLPPembroke