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A little more courtesy from runners to walkers

Dear Sir,

I have never written a Letter to the Editor, but felt compelled to do so now.

We hear all the news about those not respecting the Stay in Place order and the associated curfews and restrictions limiting us from being out and about. We do know that the majority are respecting the rules.

One reprieve we have been granted during this order is the privilege — not the right — to go for a walk once a day simply to shake off some cobwebs and be somewhat active.

My wife and I have taken this opportunity to go for regular morning walks around our neighbourhood, making certain we are keeping within the permitted one-kilometre radius from our home and after 7am.

We see many other walkers while out; people who take the time to either permit us to cross the road or who themselves cross to give way and make room and maintain the appropriate social distance.

What we repeatedly experience, however, are runners who do not do this.

For some unknown reason, it appears as if those who are running don’t feel the need to stop, move over or give way.

We have had several occasions where we are stuck in a spot because of oncoming traffic so are not able to cross, while at the same time an approaching runner on the same side of the road does not stop, but continues to run by us ending up way too close — let alone not wanting to stop for the traffic.

We would make comment to them as they go by, that they are too close, but they just continue on.

This is such a simple and commonsense thing, in my opinion: simply stop and keep your distance. Let the traffic go by and then take a wide berth around the walkers.

I have nothing against runners. I have myself run a marathon and have done the Bermuda Half-Marathon several times. So I get it that when running, you do not want to stop.

But these are different times and we need to change how we behave, including a simple thing such as giving space while out for your morning run.

